Can Thor have this?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

It's in the name...
Maybe not...

Just a quick update for everybody who might still following and helping Thor and I.

I have had 3 meetings with the social workers. One of which Maria was there. It was suggested that we try to settle a few things. So here are some of the points that came out from such meeting.

1) Maria and I had previously a skype conversation where she demanded that I gave her full legal custody of Thor, if I wanted to see Thor. During the meeting it was pointed out that the court HAS GIVEN her temporary full custody, which means there's no reason why I couldn't see Thor. Yet she refused to let me see Thor. It's obvious that this has nothing to do with custody... Maria just wants to prevent Thor from having any connection with his father.

2) In a separate meeting the following day, the social workers recommended to me that I go back to court and ask for a change in the temporary orders so that Thor can see me. Because they could not over ride the court order and could not force Maria to let me see Thor. I can only take this as a positive thing... that they don't necessarily believe that I'm the depraved lunatic that Maria has portrayed me to be in the media, the US court and so on.

3) During that same meeting, Maria claims that no negative accusations were made against her in the US. A few minutes later, when I tried to show the social workers Maria's writing in her blog, Maria interrupted me and told them that that all those accusations and evidence had already been presented in court in the US and dismissed. Which version of Maria's stories should we believe? Logically, both of her statements can't be true... can it?

4) Yesteday, I received a letter from the court telling me that Maria wants to ERASE "Wang" from Thor's last name. It's to be expected that she would try to do so to make sure that Thor has no idea where he came from and erase any connection with his other parent.

Click here to read what Maria wrote to the court.

All I can say about that is that every day when Maria looks into Thor's big brown eyes, he's going to see my eyes and everytime she sees a big smile on Thor's face, she's going to see my smile. No court, no piece of paper will ever change that.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I had some hopes of coming to an understanding with Maria and getting to see Thor, but it was just another of Maria's legal games...

On September 5th, I received a letter from Maria titled:

"For Thor 2"

. I was very excited after I read the letter. I thought that she had come to understand that Thor should have a father. Maybe this little boy might have a chance to have a father...

How wrong I was! How deeply disappointed I was to realize that it was just another of Maria's legal ploys to get full custody.

First she asked for some sort of guarantee that I would live in Sweden with Thor. So I agreed to sign a legal binding agreement that I would be living in Sweden with Thor. Even I agreed to giving my passport to my attorney.

So it came down to when I could see Thor?

The answer that came from her was not a date when I could see Thor. To make a long story short, she said that she would not let me see Thor unless I let her have full custody.

Then reading from her script, she tried to push my buttons to ask me what I would do if she was granted full custody. I told her as my attorney presented in court, I would seek my visitation rights as I am entitled to by swedish law.

I could tell that there was somebody else in the room possibly with a video recorder or camera recording the whole thing? It's so sad that Thor will have to stay fatherless longer so that Maria can do her legal manouvers that are clearly not in Thor's best interest.

My comments about the phone/skype conference with Maria:

1) It is very cruel how Maria showed me Thor to taunt me knowing that I haven't been able to be with him for more than 4 months now. She was again using Thor to get to her goal of sole legal custody. I am very saddened by this kind of heartless treatment.

2) When I asked the simple question of when I could see Thor, the response wasn't a date. She basically said that I couldn't see Thor unless I agreed to let her have full legal custody.

3) It's interesting how she demands guarantees of this or that... but when it comes down to can Thor see his father, it has to be in Maria's schedule and mood. The only guarantee that I have to be there for Thor and for him to have his father is by having joint custody. I will not sell Thor's right to see his father for these nefarious demands. What guarantees do I have to make sure that the next second Maria will not change her mind and say that I cannot see Thor ever again? The simple answer is NONE, unless we have joint legal custody. According to Maria, "it is different in Sweden". How so I ask? (With the gut feeling that somebody is telling the tall tale.)

4) I am very saddened that Maria is using Thor to derive whatever strange satisfaction to exert her "power" over Thor and over me.

I am asking a simple thing. A legal guarantee that we share custody so that Thor can be with both parents.

It breaks my heart to see Thor and realize that it's been so long that he doesn't recognize his father's voice.

5) Mark my words, I would not be surprise if tomorrow in the custody review Maria shows up with a taped copy of this phone/skype conference claiming that she must have full custody because we can't agree on anything. Maria creates the conflict, then claims that there's conflict.

Or Maria claiming that I was never involved with Thor fully knowing that she has taken many pictures like this one:

If not sooner we see in Aftonbladet more claims that there's been some other threat against her life or Thor's.

I was afraid that Maria was up to some other legal game/setup when she titled her email to me "For Thor 2". Because this is how she used to title her emails that she would present in court so that she could differentiate it from the first one. All these legal manuverings are done at Thor's expense and well being.

Be as it maybe, I ask the people who are around Maria to tell her that Thor should see his father and not be used as a bargaining chip to get her way. Why should Thor keep suffering unnecessarily?

I'm just a simple father trying to have a relationship with his son. I have traveled thousands of miles to come here to be with him, just to encounter more lies and Maria's unwillingness to foster Thor's relationship with me. I feel very sad for Thor and the turn of events.

I am sad that Thor is missing out on getting to know his father and have some kind of attachment to his father. He will never have an opportunity to get these precious moments back, like I have had with both my parents. I know that Maria didn't have these chances with her parents because they separated at an early age. So I am also asking her to believe that Thor needs that, and don't deny him that because she didn't have it herself.

Unless Maria comes to her senses about Thor's well being, I will count my days until Jan 15 2010 and hope that I will see him then. I will continue to settle in and get my things ready to provide Thor with a home. I will have a home ready to receive him before then. The only thing missing in my home and my heart will be the laughs of little Thor.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Stockholm tingsrätt

Staffan Lindberg wrote on his Aftonbladet article:

In Swedish:
"Förvirringen växer med högen handlingar på domarens bord.",
In English:
"The confusion grows with the pile of documents on the judge's table."
In Spanish:
"La confusión crece con la pila de documentos en la mesa del juez."

For Thor's sake and well being, the most pressing question is will the court take the time to sift through this series of lies created by Maria Danielsson, so that Thor's well being is looked after? It's a task that the Los Angeles Superior court has failed miserably. Judge John A. Kronstadt seemed more impressed by Maria's antics than the simple truth, and driven more by his lunch schedule than Thor's well being.

Maria's first declaration to Stockholm's Tingratt

"Maria is affraid for her and Thor's life"

To date, one of the main documents in question is Maria's initial declaration to Stockholm's tingsrätt on August 11th, 2009. I don't have the written translation, so I can only quote from an oral translation by my attorney Kerstin Koorti. Apparently, Maria claims that she fears for her and Thor's life. And that she will appeal the decision that she's been denied a secret identity?.

(A note to Swedish readers out there, please post comments or corrections to possible mistranslations or other things you find in the swedish documents)

It was a shock to me when I heard such words from my attorney as she read Maria's declaration back to me. Then came on the feeling of bewilderment. How come she said such things to the court when she emailed me this letter on August 9th 2009? (In Swedish)

I think these two documents begs the following question: how could Maria ask me to meet at Skansen gardens if she feared for her life and Thor's?

According to Steffan Lindberg's explanation to me (because I missed this detail because of the language difficulty) was that Maria's initial response in court was first to deny having written such letter, but upon the judge's further question to confirm, she said that she wrote such letter. But then came up with the excuse that she was to meet me accompanied at Skansen. Read for yourself and see if you believe that.

Treading carefully and at risk of beating a dead horse (trying to make the same point over and over again)... I was told that Maria also wrote the following letter to Social Services about not wanting her secret identity because it was an inconvinience? I wonder if somebody truely feared for herlife and her son's life would eschew a secret identity because of an "inconvenience"??? Hmmm...

Staffan Lindberg had access to Maria's letter to me and her signed declaration to tingsratt. Why this wasn't mentioned in his article, one can only speculate.

About the issue of moving to Taiwan...

I think Michelle Cadeau's email from Svenskamammor said it best when she emailed me a few months ago... Read for yourself from an independent source about going to Taiwan... Did Maria mention that I haven't been to Taiwan since 1991? Hmmm...

Has Maria known these facts at least since the time Michelle Cadeau was helping her, so why does she still insist in making such ludicrous claims in court one wonders...?

About the orphanage

I will not write too much more about that other than Maria misled the media and the public and told them that Thor was locked up in a sixteenth century church ruin in Antigua Guatemala.

What really impressed me was that Staffan Lindberg from Aftonbladet asked me after the hearing if the 16th century church ruin was next door to the orphanage as Maria has told him. (That's why he specifically says that the orphanage is in a modern building in his article.) I emailed him the corresponding information showing him that the "ruinas de San Sebastian in Antigua Guatemala" was about 1 hour away from "Zona 10/ Oakland area in Guatemala City". Never mind the fact that she's trying to cover up one lie with another lie? I guess this could be zen conundrum, "Can you patch a hole with another hole?"

About seeing Thor

My attorney has been calling, writing and calling some more to Maria's attorney to come to some sort of agreement to see Thor. The result after 3 days: No response from Maria's attorney. They are not under any legal obligation to respond...but they could at least say "NO". But no response at all seems rather unprofessional and rude.

By the way, Maria's attorney is not Gunilla Olsson, as shown in the papers filed. I don't know why there was a switch of attorneys. But I wonder what her attorney thought when confronted with the full story and not just the half truth that Maria has been feeding her too? I can only speculate if Gunilla Olsson got off this groovy train when she smelled a rat?

In the best case scenario

I think it would be best if Maria stopped filing all this non-sesnse lies and Thor gets to live with both parents. So I can also spend time studying swedish and putting my application to KI instead of running in and out of court responding to all these non-sense. Maybe this way I can start building a future for Thor rather than keeping trying to prevent further destruction. Tell me if you don't think that's the sensible solution?

It boggles my mind when I think about all this energy spent in this non-sense instead of building something positive for Thor's future.

Again, I am inviting readers to comment or make corrections to my comments if you see that I am misinterpreting declarations and other stuff in Swedish.

Why am I writing this blog again?

1) I just want to make sure that all the truth is exposed and facts are set straight.
2) If somebody out there has any more information about the matter that could help a little boy have a bright future, I'd like to ask you to come forward and supply us with your information. There has been a number of people who have already been helping me with information. To those people, I will be eternally thankful for helping me and Thor.
3) The media neither has the space nor the attention span to put forth all the facts, so it's up to me in presenting all the things that they have let fall through or misrepresented over and over again. (I would need to write another blog post to address the missprints in the last article by Staffan Lindberg in Aftonbladet)

If you are in contact in Maria Danielsson, you can help baby Thor to have a bright future by trying to talk some sense into her. Here's Maria's email if you would like to write to her: or
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